Our advice for candidates

Job hunting can be a source of anxiety and demotivation, but with a few good habits and a good application file, your search should be made easier. Through our different articles you will find advice on all the stages of a job search, from creating your application to the interview.

Is your file complete?

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  • Jobs and advice for pensioners and seniors

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  • Fixed recruitment & temporary placements in the manufacturing, technology, watchmaking and construction sectors

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  • Collocamento fisso e temporaneo, formazione - Settore alberghiero e ristorazione

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  • Fixed recruitment & temporary placements – office & admin

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  • Fixed recruitment & temporary placements, training – health & social professions

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  • JEM

    Platform for freelancers using wage portage

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Interiman Group is active in permanent and temporary recruitment, training, HR outsourcing, outplacement and consulting. With 67 branches, Interiman Group has been developing in Switzerland for more than 25 years and is one of the leaders in this field.


Interiman Group
Av. des Baumettes 7
1020 Renens
+41 21 552 65 00