Job Hunting

Looking for a job can be a very daunting exercise. With such a competitive job market nowadays, you have to be able to stand out among the hundreds of other candidates. In order to stack the odds on your side during this sometimes-complicated time, here are some important points which should help to optimise your job hunt and perhaps land you the job of your dreams.

Our advice


Set clear goals

To be effective, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to do, and what you can bring to a company. Make a list of areas you have experience in, where your interests lie, where you want to work, what level of work you are looking for... etc. The more specific you are, the better you will be able to navigate the dense jungle of job listings.


Keep your application file updated

It's better to send a few personalised applications than a chain of identical ones. Make sure you adapt your CV and cover letter to the different job offers you're applying to in order to differentiate yourself from the rest of your competitors. Store them carefully in a file: this will allow you to be able to re-read and perhaps detect any weak points which could damage your application.


Use your networks

We all need a little help when it comes to finding a job, and there are several possible options for that:

  1. Submit a speculative application to an employment agency. On our site, you can download a speculative application, which will be shared with our advisers, who will then be able to match you with suitable positions. Being referenced in a candidate database is a real advantage for a job search, so don't hesitate to use this tool to maximise your chances of finding a job in your sector.
  2. Talk to those around you. Ask them regularly if they hear about job openings that might be suitable for you. Don't hesitate to follow up with former colleagues who you've had good relations with in previous jobs. Your social circle is one of the best assets you have to open doors in the professional world.
  3. Register on job search engines. Make sure you keep your profile updated and use a few introductory sentences to put yourself forward and spark the interest of potential recruiters. Make sure you check the latest job offers regularly; your dream job may be online tomorrow.
  4. Use social networks. LinkedIn, Instagram or even Facebook are very effective tools when looking for a job. Keep your professional profiles up to date and be sure to check the job offers on these channels, as they often don't appear on the usual job search sites. Use the different platforms to follow the companies that interest you, so that you're always kept abreast of their news and don't miss out on any enticing offers.

Be organised.

Set clear goals when applying, for example:

  • Monday: Proofread my CV and layout of the application file.
  • Tuesday: Search for relevant offers related to my profile and carry out analysis of the companies concerned.
  • Wednesday: Send applications and organise my diary and contacts.
  • Thursday: Telephone follow-up with companies who hadn't previously sent a response and update my various social networks.
  • Friday: Rest, exercise and leisure. (Because yes, it is also important to think about your well-being and to take time for self-care in order to remain fully effective)

Being organised will allow you to keep up a positive work dynamic, be able to track your progress, and target any difficulties you may have.


Take some time out for yourself

It may seem less important at first, but in order to maintain a positive attitude and be effective in your search, it's important to take care of yourself and your mental health as well. Your job search can be very trying for your morale, so remember to clear your mind by doing activities that make you happy and stimulate you, so that you can be at the top of your game again when you dive back into your job hunt.

Is your file complete?

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Interiman Group is active in permanent and temporary recruitment, training, HR outsourcing, outplacement and consulting. With 67 branches, Interiman Group has been developing in Switzerland for more than 25 years and is one of the leaders in this field.


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Av. des Baumettes 7
1020 Renens
+41 21 552 65 00