
You recruit the staff yourself and determine their salaries. We take care of the administrative aspects of HR and payrolling: drafting contracts, obtaining work permits, paying salaries on time, insurance, and all other administrative tasks. This frees you up to spend your time on the most important thing: your company.

SPS, our specialist company, is the heart of this service.Visit our web pagearrow_circle_right

The advantages for you

  • folder_copy
    Significantly lower workload for your HR department
  • work_history
    Increased flexibility: the length of temporary placements can be adjusted easily
  • credit_score
    Control over real labour costs

This service offered by our specialist companies

In order to best meet your expectations, this service is offered by the specialist companies listed below.

  • Recruitment of executives and specialists

    website arrow_circle_right
  • Recruitment of IT and digital specialists

    website arrow_circle_right
  • Fixed recruitment & temporary placements in the manufacturing, technology, watchmaking and construction sectors

    website arrow_circle_right
  • Collocamento fisso e temporaneo, formazione - Settore alberghiero e ristorazione

    website arrow_circle_right
  • Fixed recruitment & temporary placements – office & admin

    website arrow_circle_right
  • Fixed recruitment & temporary placements, training – health & social professions

    website arrow_circle_right
  • sps

    Wage portage and payrolling

    website arrow_circle_right
Logo Interiman Group

Interiman Group is active in permanent and temporary recruitment, training, HR outsourcing, outplacement and consulting. With 67 branches, Interiman Group has been developing in Switzerland for more than 25 years and is one of the leaders in this field.


Interiman Group
Av. des Baumettes 7
1020 Renens
+41 21 552 65 00